View Full Version : Seagate AIT

04-09-2000, 04:15 PM
I am looking for an AIT drive and have found the Seagate Sidewinder. It claims to be the same specks as the Sony. Has anyone used it or heard anything about it?



Ray Fabi
04-11-2000, 09:51 AM
I have not, but am very happy my 2 AIT+ units. One in each studio. Have backed up at more than 180MB/minute. Not bad at all!

Ray Fabi
Ton of Bricks Studios Montreal

Jim Morris
04-11-2000, 10:14 PM
We have 3 AIT systems (the original version) and we are getting solid and fast performance from them. We use both Retrospect and Mezzo. I checked the Seagate out and what I found was that it is identical to the Sony except it uses "narrow" SCSI and the Sony is "wide". Same tape transport. Check for yourself though, cause I could have been misinformed. My source was selling the Seagate version, so his info may have been a sales pitch. Try calling Leif at Rorke Data, he will probably know and seems like a cool guy.

Jim Morris

04-12-2000, 08:07 AM

I come from a solid IT background, and I can confirm that the tape transports inside the Seagate and the Sony are identical. Friend o' mine used to work for our local AIT agents and they used to sell both.

The one thing I did hear recently is that Seagate are no longer manufacturing the Sidewinder. Don't know if that's true, but it is what I heard.