View Full Version : Malfuntion of the MC Mix...

07-18-2010, 01:50 AM
If I reboot my Mac both the MC Tranport + MC Mix works well, I can even shut down the units and start them up again and they find Pro Tools without any problem.

But if the EuCon for some reason get closed down (you move the computer or whatever), then the Transport functions again directly with full functionality on start up, but the MC Mix doesn't find it's way back into the race again - it's simply brought to a halt or locks.

The MC Transport does all it's supposed to do, the MC Mix doesn't - how do I check if it's a Software problem or a Hardware problem? Are there somekind of "Vegas mode"? (I want to know since last week the unit refused to Powerdown a couple of times and I had to pull the Powersupply cord.)

07-26-2010, 10:30 AM
are you on a Router or a Switch?

are either of the units set to static IP addresses? or are they both on DHCP (default) mode?